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The process of exposed aggregate concrete has been around since the 1900s. This decorative method offers many advantages. It’s a surface resistant to extreme weather and heavy traffic. The process includes removing sand and cement from the surface. Exposing the decorative pebbles. Different types and sizes of stones are available. Allowing for assorted color and texture variations.

Exposed aggregate also provides a beautiful contrast. Likewise, with broom finish or other decorative treatments. Little maintenance is required other than occasional cleaning and sealing.

Cost for this Driveway is more expensive than broom finished concrete. 

Exposed Aggregate Concrete Transforms Your Property
Exposed aggregate concrete landscaping is an incredible way to take your outdoor space to the next level! Exposed aggregate transforms your property into a modern, stylish oasis while offering countless benefits, including increased durability, reduced maintenance costs, and improved safety. In addition, you don’t have to worry about cracks or chips with exposed aggregate because it’s made of high-quality polymeric cement that can withstand environmental factors like extreme temperatures and moisture.

Plus, it’s slip-resistant and easier to clean than other paving materials. Not only does this type of landscaping look great, but it will also last you years without needing repairs or replacements. So get ready for a stunning backyard that you’ll proudly show off to friends and family!

Stylish Exposed Aggregate Concrete!
Exposing the aggregate in your concrete will give it a one-of-a-kind and modern appearance. The term “exposed aggregate” describes the procedure of exposing the aggregate, or the large stones or other materials, put into the concrete to produce a textured and unique finish. Exposed aggregate improves the functionality of your surface and gives it a unique aesthetic touch.

Skip’s Construction design experts will walk you through the process, explaining how different types of exposed aggregate can affect the surface’s aesthetics and functionality. Explore the options available for aggregate, including the ever-popular granite and limestone, gravel, crushed stone, ornamental stone, pebbles, basalts, quartzite, and crushed glass.

The appearance and texture can also be affected by how the aggregate is exposed, which can be done in many ways, such as by adding it when mixing, by spreading a thin layer of specialty aggregate mix on top, or by seeding it into the surface while it’s still wet. To make the best decision for your project, you must be familiar with the benefits and disadvantages of each process. Try exposed aggregate concrete now and see the impact it makes!